soap bubbles, childhood, iridescent-3517247.jpg


I love blowing bubbles. In college, I always had some in my dorm room and friends would come over to participate.  There are so many benefits to blowing bubbles both for kids and adults

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Bubbles- Spheres Of Joy

I keep a small container of bubbles in my purse at all times. Around major holidays, the Dollar Tree usually carries a three pack of small bubble containers.  They work well; if you’re nervous about leaks, put it in a ziploc bag beforehand.   I place it in my pen pocket so it is facing upright. These glorious spheres of magic can turn most frowns upside down. Of course validate and empathize with your child’s feelings first.  Then bring on the spheres of joy. Babies can watch them while toddlers and children can pop them. I am a meanie and don’t let my younger kids hold the container when we’re on the go. Womp womp. Alternatively, if we are home, I give them small containers to blow bubbles. That way when (not IF but when) they dump the container there is a minimal amount of bubble solution lost.

I never blow bubbles on a hard-surfaced floor like tile or linoleum as it makes the floor slick. The only exception is when I know each bubble will be popped before hitting the floor.  Sidewalks, dirt, grass? Have fun! Are you in the passenger seat with your family on a road trip? Are the kids getting cranky? Bring out the bubbles! Pro tip: put your air vents on full blast and let them do the blowing work for you. Use common sense; DO NOT blow bubbles when you are driving a vehicle.

Check out my other parental purse essentials.

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